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- |1-A Very Basic Internet Glossary
- bY Kei Of Carnage
- The following glossary covers the basic/most common abbreviations/words
- used by people on the internet and are listed here with a brief
- description for those of you not on the internet as yet but wishing to
- know the basics and not seem behind times.
- AnonFTP - FTP site with full info. Accessed via login name and password
- of anon.
- Anonymous Mail - Sending mail via an anonymizer. The anonymizer will
- forward your mail to the address specified with a
- spurious address added.
- AppleLink - (Being replaced by e-World) Apple's online service providing
- e-mail exchange only.
- Client/Server relationship - The client is the Email software, gother,
- finger application etc that you instruct.
- The server is where the info you want
- resides.
- CommUnity - Computer Communicators Association. A recently formed
- pressure group which represents the interestes of the
- online UK community. The equivalent of ELSPA for BBS's.
- Compulink - Formerly CIX, a basic internet provider with lots of
- support.
- CompuServe - (CIS) A very basic provider that charges you for recieving
- email.
- Dial-Up - Where you have a PC & modem to connect to your account on a
- remote machine.
- E-Mail - A way of sending mail to someone (with an email address) via a
- network. Depending on the software used, other files can be
- attached to the mail being sent.
- E-Mail FTP - Retriving documents from anonymous FTP sites using E-Mail.
- Edex - Education Exchange. Provides internet access to schools.
- EFF - Electronic Freedom Foundation/Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Fights for cyberspace rights in the USA.
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions. Usually a text file that contains all
- the basic questions asked, with answers to save repetition.
- Full Internet Access - Where the machine you are using has a full IP
- address. The machine will be connected to
- the internet using IP connectivity. You may
- be able to become an information provider if
- you run server software and are not using the
- Dial-Up method.
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- Gopher - Information search & retrieval tool.
- HTTP - Hypertext Transport Protocol
- Hytelnet - Constantly updated reference system to internet information
- systems worldwide.
- IP Software - Software that uses `Internet Protocols' and allows you to
- use the full internet facilities.
- IRC - Internet Relay Chat : Replaces the `talk' program and is a
- multi-user chat system where you can chat to people on channels
- in a virtual place.
- JANET - Joint Academic Network. Uses an IP service called JIPS. Used
- by Universities and higher education establishments.
- Mailing Lists - A list of E-Mail addresses to mail to at the same time.
- PDN - Public Data Network. Allows you to make long distance calls
- relatively cheap.
- Telnet - Ability to log-on to a remote site across the internet.
- Terminal Access - A dumb terminal connected to a LAN with internet
- access. Usually provided by larger organisations
- with large computers linked to the internet.
- UUCP - A method for computers to transfer data between themselves
- without human intervention. Used by BBS's to gain access to
- the internet by passing info down a `chain'. Very cheap.
- Veronica - `Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Net-wide Index to Computerized
- Archives' : A search engine for Gopher.
- WAIS - `Wide Area Information Service' : Information search & retrieval
- tool.
- WWW - World Wide Web/W3 : Connects sites in a multimedia format even
- though they may be countries apart. Sites with relating topics
- are gathered together.